January 23, NYC—Cuentos de mi niñez | Tales from my childhood at Anthology Film Archives by Francisca Duran


Thursday January 23 at 7pm

Cuentos de mi niñez | Tales from my childhood (1991) will screen at Anthology film Archives THE PEOPLE’S REVOLT”: A SHOWCASE OF NEW CHILEAN EXPERIMENTAL CINEMA along with works by Canadian Chilean artists Cecilia Araneda, Malena Szlam and Eddie Menz and many others.
Anthology film Archives—32 Second Avenue (at 2nd St.)

It Matters What in Malaysia! December 8, 2019 by Francisca Duran


Thank you Scott Miller Berry and the Re:assemblage Collective for programming It Matters What in "UNLESS YOU’RE LIVING IT: DIS/INTEGRATION"!
Short films exploring notions of loss through profound explorations of personal and/or political disintegration. Each short is a diary entry unto itself, delving into his/her-stories in deeply emotional ways. Films by Cecilia Araneda, Sissy Bam (Sharlene Bamboat), Sarah Bliss,  Alexandra Gelis, Christine Negus, Malena Szlam
Sunday 08 December 2019, 13.00

Both screenings at The Saxophone Store
No. 6, Jalan Panggong, 50000 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
Admission by donation!

It Matters What in Analogica Programme 2 in Bolzano Italy by Francisca Duran


It Matters What will screen in Analogica 9, Programme 2 on December 5 along with works by Alex Faoro, Penny McCann, Sabina Maselli, Karyn Cline, Jon Behrens, Gwendolyn Audrey Foster, Jeff Zorrilla, and Antoni Pinent. Thank you to Vinz Mancuso and the programming committee for including my work alongside these talented artists.
FotoForum, Via Weggenstein, 3 | h 15.00 / h 17.00 / h 20.00

Francesco Zazzin and Francesa Rusalen wrote about the film in their blog, L’Emergence Del Possible: Il cinema futuro è l'Immortalità.

Analogica has 5 touring programmes and “ is a platform for the investigation and dissemination of analog practices in visual and sonic experiments.”

Traje de Luces | Suit of Lights at CODEC in Mexico City by Francisca Duran

Traje de Luces by Francisca Duran

Tonight! Hoy! 27 noviembre en CODEC Festival Internacional de Cine Experimental y Video en la Ciudad de Mexico | Mexico City

https://www.franciduran.art/traje-de-luces-suit-of-lights screens in:
PROGRAMA 3: CADÁVER EXQUISITO | EXQUISITE CORPSE along with work by | junto a obras de Emiliano Caballero, Walter Forsberg, Stephen Crompton, Alex Morelli, Emma Piper-Burket, Tomonari Nishikawa, Roberto Garcia, Talena Sanders.

Es un honor mostrar trabajo en Mexico por primera vez! This is my first screening in Mexico!
Other Canadian artists screening at CODEC this year include Cecilia Araneda, Kent Tate and Charlotte Clermont.

Recent and upcoming screenings and news! by Francisca Duran


Monday November 4 Cinesiege, York Cinema and Media Department’s BFA in Media Arts awards
I was delighted to be on the jury and to present awards to outstanding films made by York undergrads. This year’s Cinesiege Jury consisted of Maya Bankovic, Stuart Hands, Ravi Srinivasan, and Adina Pintilie

Wednesday November 13, 20:00— It Matters What at Zinebi in Bilbao Spain
It Matters What will screen in a program of short films at Zinebi International Festival of Short Films in Bilbao. http://zinebi.eus/web/en/zinebi61/programming/wednesday-13/

Saturday November 16, 3:30pm— Traje de Luces | Suit of Lights at Kassel DokFest in Kassel Germany
Traje de Luces will screen in the cfmdc/vtape distributors’ screening at Kassel Dokfest along with works by Rolla Tahir, Christina Battle, Daniel Hackborn, Kent Tate, Suk-Fong Wong, Sara Angelucci, Adam Shingwak Khalil, Zack Khalil, Paul Wong, Yoshiki Nishimura and Kent Monkman

November 21–23—Launch of Other Places: Reflections on Media Arts in Canada ed Deanna Bowen
Book launch, screenings and events!
Other Places: Reflections on Media Arts in Canada Published by MANO-RAMO with the collaboration of Public Books. Edited by Deanna Bowen. This book includes an essay by Andrea Zittlau about my work, FRAGMENTED VISIONS OF CONTROL—Francisca Duran’s cinema of cuts and puzzles.
Many artists are featured in this ambitious volume that investigates the historical and contemporary contributions that First Peoples, racialized, and LGBTQ artists and administrators have made to the media arts in Canada.
Jackman Hall Art Gallery of Ontario

Saturday November 23—Phytogram Workshop at La Cinematográfica in Vigo Spain
I will be teaching participants the Phytogram experimental animation technique in this hands-on class.
*the phytogram technique was created by artist Karel Doing.

November 28–30—Traje de Luces | Suit of Lights at CODEC International Experimental Film and Video Festival in Mexico City
Details soon!

November 30— Cecilia Araneda’s Master Class: Can the Political be Experimental?
Latinx artist Cecilia Araneda speaks about her practice and will show examples from her films, my films and SoJin Chun’s work. Honoured to be included! http://www.ceciliaaraneda.ca/master-class-in-vienna-can-the-political-be-experimental/?fbclid=IwAR0yhKPiKIDCDeAgnWSzXvC7RGXxa6NEM7fLLVBduigAItzR1ggi8RWGJ-E

December 5—It Matters What screens in Analogica 9 in Bolzano Italy

It Matters What at Planet at Focus in TORONTO by Francisca Duran

It Matters What by Francisca Duran

It Matters What will screen in Toronto at Planet in Focus on Friday October 18. I hope you can come!

It Matters What : ”A textual and textural filmic manifesto'.” (Kim Knowles, programmer Edinburgh International Film Festival)

Friday October 18 at 21:00 | Innis Town Hall, 2 Sussex Ave, Toronto
Very excited to screen It Matters What with Thierry Loa’s 20-22 Omega at Planet in Focus. Grateful to the programmers for selecting my film and also for screening a short film before every feature at their fabulous festival!

Absences and translations motivate this experimental animation in an exploration of the methods and materials of reproduction and inscription. The inquiry is set within a framework of practical and critical human relationships with other-than-human-species elucidated by the theorist Donna Haraway.

A fragment from Haraway’s essay Tentacular Thinking: Anthropocene, Capitalocene, Chthulucene is reworked here as a poetic manifesto. Enigmatic found-footage calls into question human violence over animal species. Plant life is both the subject matter of the images and assists the means of photographic reproduction. 

The techniques used include in-camera animation, contact-prints and phytograms created by the exposure of 16mm film overlaid with plant material and dried for hours in direct sunlight.