It Matters What in Analogica Programme 2 in Bolzano Italy / by Francisca Duran


It Matters What will screen in Analogica 9, Programme 2 on December 5 along with works by Alex Faoro, Penny McCann, Sabina Maselli, Karyn Cline, Jon Behrens, Gwendolyn Audrey Foster, Jeff Zorrilla, and Antoni Pinent. Thank you to Vinz Mancuso and the programming committee for including my work alongside these talented artists.
FotoForum, Via Weggenstein, 3 | h 15.00 / h 17.00 / h 20.00

Francesco Zazzin and Francesa Rusalen wrote about the film in their blog, L’Emergence Del Possible: Il cinema futuro è l'Immortalità.

Analogica has 5 touring programmes and “ is a platform for the investigation and dissemination of analog practices in visual and sonic experiments.”