It Matters What in Malaysia! December 8, 2019 / by Francisca Duran


Thank you Scott Miller Berry and the Re:assemblage Collective for programming It Matters What in "UNLESS YOU’RE LIVING IT: DIS/INTEGRATION"!
Short films exploring notions of loss through profound explorations of personal and/or political disintegration. Each short is a diary entry unto itself, delving into his/her-stories in deeply emotional ways. Films by Cecilia Araneda, Sissy Bam (Sharlene Bamboat), Sarah Bliss,  Alexandra Gelis, Christine Negus, Malena Szlam
Sunday 08 December 2019, 13.00

Both screenings at The Saxophone Store
No. 6, Jalan Panggong, 50000 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
Admission by donation!