Traje de Luces | Suit of Lights at CODEC in Mexico City / by Francisca Duran

Traje de Luces by Francisca Duran

Tonight! Hoy! 27 noviembre en CODEC Festival Internacional de Cine Experimental y Video en la Ciudad de Mexico | Mexico City screens in:
PROGRAMA 3: CADÁVER EXQUISITO | EXQUISITE CORPSE along with work by | junto a obras de Emiliano Caballero, Walter Forsberg, Stephen Crompton, Alex Morelli, Emma Piper-Burket, Tomonari Nishikawa, Roberto Garcia, Talena Sanders.

Es un honor mostrar trabajo en Mexico por primera vez! This is my first screening in Mexico!
Other Canadian artists screening at CODEC this year include Cecilia Araneda, Kent Tate and Charlotte Clermont.