Recent and upcoming screenings and news! / by Francisca Duran


Monday November 4 Cinesiege, York Cinema and Media Department’s BFA in Media Arts awards
I was delighted to be on the jury and to present awards to outstanding films made by York undergrads. This year’s Cinesiege Jury consisted of Maya Bankovic, Stuart Hands, Ravi Srinivasan, and Adina Pintilie

Wednesday November 13, 20:00— It Matters What at Zinebi in Bilbao Spain
It Matters What will screen in a program of short films at Zinebi International Festival of Short Films in Bilbao.

Saturday November 16, 3:30pm— Traje de Luces | Suit of Lights at Kassel DokFest in Kassel Germany
Traje de Luces will screen in the cfmdc/vtape distributors’ screening at Kassel Dokfest along with works by Rolla Tahir, Christina Battle, Daniel Hackborn, Kent Tate, Suk-Fong Wong, Sara Angelucci, Adam Shingwak Khalil, Zack Khalil, Paul Wong, Yoshiki Nishimura and Kent Monkman

November 21–23—Launch of Other Places: Reflections on Media Arts in Canada ed Deanna Bowen
Book launch, screenings and events!
Other Places: Reflections on Media Arts in Canada Published by MANO-RAMO with the collaboration of Public Books. Edited by Deanna Bowen. This book includes an essay by Andrea Zittlau about my work, FRAGMENTED VISIONS OF CONTROL—Francisca Duran’s cinema of cuts and puzzles.
Many artists are featured in this ambitious volume that investigates the historical and contemporary contributions that First Peoples, racialized, and LGBTQ artists and administrators have made to the media arts in Canada.
Jackman Hall Art Gallery of Ontario

Saturday November 23—Phytogram Workshop at La Cinematográfica in Vigo Spain
I will be teaching participants the Phytogram experimental animation technique in this hands-on class.
*the phytogram technique was created by artist Karel Doing.

November 28–30—Traje de Luces | Suit of Lights at CODEC International Experimental Film and Video Festival in Mexico City
Details soon!

November 30— Cecilia Araneda’s Master Class: Can the Political be Experimental?
Latinx artist Cecilia Araneda speaks about her practice and will show examples from her films, my films and SoJin Chun’s work. Honoured to be included!

December 5—It Matters What screens in Analogica 9 in Bolzano Italy