Marginalia Memory Game by Francisca Duran

Marginalia Memory Game by Francisca Duran and Andrea Zittlau

Marginalia Memory Game by Francisca Duran and Andrea Zittlau

Subscribe to the Marginalia Memory Game!
The game is the result of a collaboration between myself and poet, scholar and artist Andrea Zittlau.

You will receive 6 NEW SETS OF CARDS and a link to a film-poem every 3-months by mail and a handmade box to keep them in.
At the end of the year you have a full set.

The cost is 35Euros ($57 CDN) for the year (includes shipping). You can pay by Paypal at: or email me at to send an e-transfer.

The project originates from our work on archiving, history, memory and memorialization as well as human and other-than-human relationships. Each set of cards is an image collage I created along with a poem written by Andrea.

The photos were taken by Emiliano Leonardi and myself at the Zoological Collection of Animals at the University of Rostock in Northern Germany.

September 2020 online and IN PERSON screenings by Francisca Duran

August 27–September 6pm (EST)
It Matters What screens online at
Vancouver International Latin American Film Festival, Vancouver, Canada
aluCine: Latinx Diversidad Programme

September 1–15
Tales from my childhood online in
The People’s Revolution: A Showcase of New Chilean Experimental Cinema
Mayselles Documentary Screening, Harlem NY

September 1–30
It Matters What is a featured short film on the Toronto Society of Architects’ September Playlist
”A monthly curated list of free online films touching upon issues of architecture, the built environment, and design.”
I will also take part on a panel discussion about Experimental Cinematography on September 22. More details soon.

September 22, 8pm
It Matters What screens LIVE, yes LIVE at
Cinematheque Quebec in Montreal
in Cineastes Independents

It Matters What—August 2020 online screenings by Francisca Duran

It Matters What by Francisca Duran

August 8, 7pm (EST)
Photophobia: Contemporary Moving Image Festival
Programme 3 with live Q+A with filmmakers

August 22, 7pm (PST)
Crossroads 2020
Programme 2: I am bloodless / I am the cosmos
All Crossroads 2020 programmes will be available online August 21-September 30

BOY online at MOCA Online Museo until May 9 by Francisca Duran

BOY by Francisca Duran

Watch BOY online:

"What does it look like at the beginning? The first time he ever saw a table, the large foot of an adult stepping towards him, a window opening like a heart. Duran offers us rainy moments of Vancouver as an accompaniment to the birth of her first child. A slowly moving hail of abstract nights lights precedes a slow motion birth, recoloured and rephotographed from a TV screen. The artist’s voice offers up a series of dates along with the facts that accompany them, her son’s favourite book, animal and word (No). Each instance of looking arrives in fragments, there is no story to pull it all together, unless it is the story of memory itself, with its necessary omissions, its shorn away pieces and left-overs. The formal experimentalisms and material fetishes that inform this movie appear here as an analogue for memory itself, an inheritance of seeing in the dark. It makes me wonder: is every film the mother of its audience?"
(Mike Hoolboom, Made in Canada: Projections of Beauty)

Thank you Paloma Hernandez for the interview and Pablo Gomez Sala for his technical and creative work with this project.

Tales from my childhood online at MOCA Online Museo April 26–May 9 by Francisca Duran

Tales from my childhood by Francisca Duran

Watch Tales from my childhood online:

Tales from my childhood will screen online at MOCA: Museo Online de Cine Autobiografico from April 26–May 9 as part of a 6-month long exhibition featuring the work of Toronto area autobiographical, experimental filmmakers. The program was curated by artist/academic/programmer Xisela Franco and includes works by Philip Hoffman, Mike Hoolboom, Lesley Loksi Chan, Lina Rodriguez, Marcos Arriaga, Tracy German and others.

Thank you Paloma Hernandez for the interview and Pablo Gomez Sala for his technical and creative work with this project.

April 15—It Matters What in Analogica Selection 9, a special live streaming program by Francisca Duran

It Matters What by Francisca Duran

It Matters What screens in a special live streaming programme of Analogica 9

ANALOGICA SELECTION 9 /// special live streaming program #1   > 64'
Live screenings will be streamed twice:
First screening / 9PM / Central European time
Second screening / 8PM / Pacific time

The live streaming is available worldwide.
Jonas's loft by Joel Schlemowitz / 6' 24'' / USA / 2019 / 16mm / exp-doc / no sound
Scenes from the Periphery by Derek Taylor / 2' 50'' / 2019 / USA / super8 / exp
Unless You're Living It by Sarah Bliss / 8' 22'' / Canada – USA / 16mm / doc
Sometimes All of Summertime by Linda Fenstermaker / 8' 34'' / USA / 2019 / 16mm / exp
Scenes from a Transient Home by Roger Horn / 13' 09'' / 2019 / South Africa / super8 / doc
It Matters What by Francisca Duran / 9'03'' / Canada / 2019 / 16mm / exp- animtion
Temple of Truth by Giuseppe Boccassini / 15' 24''/ Usa / 2018 / 16mm footage / exp
link streaming

The gift of a dream, dream sketch series on vimeo, free by Francisca Duran

the gift of a dream, dreamer 3, francisca duran

I am collecting dreams from the people in my life at this particular moment in time. I will create video sketches based on the dreams I collect. I will pair archived sounds and images with my impressions of the dreams I have been gifted.

The third dream sketch:
The second dream sketch:
The first dream sketch:

I will not transcribe your dreams or use voice-over in the film, just visual imagery and type. I will listen your dream, then write down what I remember. There will be lapses, errors and omissions, this imperfect translation is part of it.

If you have a dream or dream fragment you are willing to share, please email a recording to:

If you want credit for your dream let me know and the name you want used. If you wish to remain anonymous, tell me that too.

Many thanks for considering. I look forward to hearing from you.

This idea comes from reading The Third Reich of Dreams by Charlotte Beradt and is chronicled in this New Yorker article: I am not making an analogy of this time to that of the Third Reich. I want to give credit where it is due.

Screenings and Events in March 2020 by Francisca Duran


March 2 at West Chester University, Philadelphia
”After the success at Anthology Film Archives, The People's Revolt/La Revolución del Pueblo has been invited to different venues in the North East. This program – organized on the occasion of the current social uprising in Chile – presents a diverse selection of new experimental work made by Chilean filmmakers living in Chile and abroad.” 
Guest-curated by Anto Astudillo
—​Monday, March 2 from 12–12:50 pm and 1–1:50 pm in Sykes Theatre.


March 5 at Cosmic Rays Festival in Chapel Hill, North Carolina
It Matters What will screen at Cosmic Rays Festival in the Curious Fantasies Programme on March 5 at 7:30pm. Cosmic Rays is a festival of experimental, essay, first person, and artists' film.
—Thursday March 5 at 7:30pm in Varsity Theatre.

March 10 at York University’s Nat Taylor Tuesdays: Practice through Process with filmmaker Francisca Duran
I will be showing films and speaking about practice through process, memory and history with filmmaker and professor Philip Hoffman and Nada Elomari.
—Tuesday March 10, 12:45-245pm at Nat Taylor Cinema

March 21 at Le FIFA Expérimental in Montreal
I will be in Montreal to present It Matters What at Le FIFA Expérimental (International Festival of Films on Art) in the Transmissions programme of women’s short works.
—Saturday, March 21, 3:00pm, Université Concordia - J.A. de Sève, LB-125, Pavillon J. W. McConnell