Marginalia Memory Game / by Francisca Duran

Marginalia Memory Game by Francisca Duran and Andrea Zittlau

Marginalia Memory Game by Francisca Duran and Andrea Zittlau

Subscribe to the Marginalia Memory Game!
The game is the result of a collaboration between myself and poet, scholar and artist Andrea Zittlau.

You will receive 6 NEW SETS OF CARDS and a link to a film-poem every 3-months by mail and a handmade box to keep them in.
At the end of the year you have a full set.

The cost is 35Euros ($57 CDN) for the year (includes shipping). You can pay by Paypal at: or email me at to send an e-transfer.

The project originates from our work on archiving, history, memory and memorialization as well as human and other-than-human relationships. Each set of cards is an image collage I created along with a poem written by Andrea.

The photos were taken by Emiliano Leonardi and myself at the Zoological Collection of Animals at the University of Rostock in Northern Germany.