It Matters What in WINNIPEG at WNDX! / by Francisca Duran

It Matters What by Francisca Duran

It Matters What will screen at WNDX FESTIVAL OF MOVING IMAGE in Winnipeg on Sunday October 6 at 4:00pm at the Winnipeg Cinematheque, 100 Arthur Street

It Matters What in Animals Future Past along with films by Emma Piper Burkett, Isabelle Carbonell, Jennifer Dysart and Kate Tessa Lee & Tom Schön.
”Our relationship to the natural world is changing; changes; has changed. With a misconception about the genesis of fossil fuel as a jumping off point, the films in this program explore the complex and often violent relationship between humans and animals. Stories of inter-generational hunting practice told from opposite sides of the globe reflect a symbiotic past and an uncertain future. The spectres of extractivism and climate change loom. Meanwhile, in Qatar, augmented humans race camels in a chaotic spectacle of proto-transhumanism.” (WNDX programme)