It Matters What by Francisca Duran
Saturday August 16, 2019 | 7pm
Traje de Luces | Suit of Lights
screening at CineAutopsia: Bogota Experimental Film Festival,
Cinemateca de Bogota
Esta es la Selección Oficial CineAutopsia de lo más destacado del cine experimental proveniente de OTRAS LATITUDES (Función 2). 7 exquisitos poemas audiovisuales realizados por talentosos creadores del resto del mundo conforman esta poderosa muestra de lo que es hoy la experimentación audiovisual monocanal en el planeta tierra. Nos encanta presentarles en esta función 2:
►Traje de Luces / Suit of Lights, Francisca Duran, 2018, Canadá, 18min. 3seg.
►Among the Broken Furniture / Entre los muebles rotos, Ye Mimi, 2018, Taiwán, 7min. 39seg.
►Middle Eight (A Song) / Medio Ocho (Canción), Emmanuel Victor Migrino, 2018, Estados Unidos, 8min. 45seg.
►Offerings / Ofrendas, Torin Langen, 2018, Canadá, 26min. 20seg.
►Glimmers / destellos, Brandon Wilson, 2018, Estados Unidos, 5min. 54seg.
►An Excavation of Us / Una excavación de nosotros, Shirley Bruno, 2017, Francia, 11min.
►Déguste / Saboréalo / Savor it, Stéphane Baz, 2018, Francia, 5min.
Sunday 25 August 2019 | 17.00
It Matters What
screening at 7th Arkipel Jakarta Intrernational Documentary + Experimental Film Festival
Goethe Haus, Jl. Sam Ratulangi 9-15, Menteng, Jakarta, Indonesia
Event link:
"The nine short films in this program each explore notions of loss through profound explorations of personal and/or political disintegration. Each short is a personal diary unto itself, delving into his/her-stories in deeply emotional ways; wherein the form is only assisted through tactility: whether hand-processed celluloid, archival video footage, in camera creation, VHS tapes, standard-definition recording or processing films with plant life." (programme by re:assemblage)
Short films by: Cecilia Araneda, Sissy Bam, Sarah Bliss, Franci Duran, Alexandra Gelis, Christine Negus, Malena Szlam.
September 21–23, 2019 | dates and times TBA
It Matters What , 8401, Traje de Luces | Suit of Lights
screening at VASTLAB Experimental Film Festival