Retrato Oficial 2 by Francisca Duran

Retrato Oficial 2 | Official Portrait 2 [4:00 | 2009 | sound | colour | English

Retrato Oficial 2 | Official Portrait 2 animates the dissimulation and reconstruction of the great liberator of Chile, 19th-century revolutionary and republican Bernardo O'Higgins, and the historical reach of the late-20th-century dictator Augusto Pinochet. Based in part on a conceit borrowed from Raul Ruiz's essay Images of Images and original footage shot by Patricio Guzman on September 11, 1973, the short video is an exploration of the mediated image and the mnemonic possibilities of video and still image technologies.


•Signal and Noise Festival at VIVO, Vancouver, Canada
•International Film Festival Rotterdam, in: Distributors’ Screening (CFMDC), Rotterdam, Netherlands •International Film Festival Oberhausen, in: Distributors’ Screening (CFMDC), Oberhausen, Germany •McMaster University, at the: Reframing the Archive Conference, Hamilton Canada 2009
•Images Festival, in Various Small Fires and Ice, Toronto, Canada