Gift of a dream. [series, various lengths| 16mm and HD | Canada | 2020]

WATCH the dream sketches:
dreamer 1
dreamer 2
dreamer 3
dreamer 4

I am collecting dreams from the people in my life at this particular moment in time. I will make video sketches based on the dreams I collect. I will pair archived sounds and images with my impressions of the dreams I have been gifted.

I will not transcribe your dreams or use voice-over in the film, just visual imagery and type. I will listen to your dream, then write down what I remember. There will be lapses, errors and omissions, this imperfect translation is part of it.

If you have a dream or dream fragment you are willing to share, please email a recording or transcription to: If you want credit for your dream let me know and the name you want used. If you wish to remain anonymous, tell me that too.

This project idea comes from reading The Third Reich of Dreams by Charlotte Beradt and is chronicled in this New Yorker article: I am not making an analogy of this time to that of the Third Reich. I want to give credit where it is due.