Even if my hands were full of truths [7:29 | 2012 | sound | colour | English with Spanish subtitles
"Even if my hands were full of truths" is the third part of a series by the artist about the legacy of former Chilean dictator Augusto Pinochet. This component is a mirror that contemplates how memory might or might not become history, using excerpts from now-declassified CIA correspondence and a photo-montage taken at the Museum of Human Rights and Memory in Santiago.
•Muestra de video experimental de Medellin. in: Malas Lecturas | Misreadings, Ismo Ismo Ismo Cine Experimental en America Latina. Colombia
•Museo Nacional de Arte Reina Sofia, in: Malas Lecturas | Misreadings, Ismo Ismo Ismo Cine Experimental en America Latina. Madrid, Spain
•International Film Festival Rotterdam, in: True/False. Rotterdam, Netherlands
•Anthology Film Archives, in: Malas Lecturas | Misreadings, Ismo Ismo Ismo Cine Experimental en America Latina. New York, USA
•Los Angeles Film Forum, in: Malas Lecturas | Misreadings, Ismo Ismo Ismo Cine Experimental en America Latina. Los Angeles, USA
•Vancouver Latin American Film Festival, Vancouver, Canada
•Winnipeg Cinematheque, in: 40 Years On. Winnipeg, Canada
•LIFT, in: 30x30, Liaison of Independent Filmmakers of Toronto Anniversary Screening. Toronto, Canada