8401 by Francisca Duran

8401 [15:00, single channel video installation with audio, photographs]

8401 is a moving-image and light landscape painting depicting a multi-layered, fragmented view of Villa Grimaldi in Santiago, Chile. Now a memorial park, Villa Grimaldi was a clandestine detention, torture and extermination centre during the Pinochet regime (1973-90). The image is built of hundreds of images extracted from five years of Google Street Views of the address and site, Avenida José Arrieta 8401. The sound is composed of fifteen audio loops of ambient sound and voice, deconstructed from a field recording gathered during a 2016 tour of the facility. A multitude of shifting perspectives give the impression both of deprioritizing time and pointing to the singular moments captured by Google's Street View cameras. 8401 is the fourth component of Retrato Oficial (Official Portrait), a series of moving- image artworks by the artist about the legacy of former Chilean dictator Augusto Pinochet
(with audio by Paul Shepherd)

Exhibits and Publications:
•Schniedermann, Wibke. Interview With Franci Duran about her Video Art Installation 8401. On_Culture: The Open Journal for the Study of Culture 6, 2018. <http://geb.uni-giessen.de/geb/volltexte/2018/13903/>
•Die Beginen Women’s Cultural Centre, 8401, Rostock Germany; programmed by Andrea Zittlau and Christoph Behrens for Gender and Queer Studies, University of Rostock (November 2017)


•Vastlab Experimental Film Festival. Vastlab Gallery, Los Angeles California
•Die Beginen Women’s Cultural Centre, Rostock, Germany